Should anyone have the right to know what you like to watch? With a secure VPN connection, you can browse the internet in peace without those annoying pop ads. So there are a lot of legit reasons why someone will want to hide their IP address online. They know your interests, demographics, what products you’ve been searching for, or if you’re about to get hitched. It’s how advertisers know what ads to show you. It’s similar to a postal address and everything you do online can be tracked through your IP address. However, you don’t have to be involved in some shady business to benefit from using a VPN, which acts as an IP hider / IP blocker.īut first, what exactly is an IP address? In layman’s term, it’s that unique identifier assigned to your device that’s connected to a network. “Why do I even have to hide my IP address? I’m not a criminal nor a hacker.” This is a common misconception among most internet users. Here's why you should hide your IP Address